Friday, 23 March 2012


So you may recall that sometime last year around Easter, I posted about how I was going to Bali thus having an early Easter, then carried on to show you a comic strip-like (hehe strip-like) creature about vegetarians and chocolate. If you don't recall this, heres the link to what I'm talking about:

Another post you may recall is me showing off that I speak French and seeming somewhat arrogant about that (is that implying anything about stereotypical French people?). Anyway, in this post I went on about how this year (ie. 2012) I would be going to France on a study tour/ exchange with my school. If you don't recall this one either, heres the link to what I'm talking about:

Wow I just re-read that post about being in France, and I barely even talk about it because I got distracted.

Now for the relevance of the above information:
Just about an hour ago, mother dearest walked into my room when I was in the lounge watching HIMYM, Black Books and was contemplating re-watch season 1 of The Mighty Boosh. Yes it was necessary to name drop the shows I watch. 

I'm quite territorial when in comes to anyone other than my friends going into my room, so I scowled at mum when she wasn't looking. That's right. I am THAT badass. Anyways, when she left she had a sly look upon her face and I was contemplating asking why she was in there, but instead decided to shut up and watch TV.

When I went back into my room afterwards, I turned on my light and got quiiiiiiiiite a damn fright when I saw the evil-looking yet adorable eyes of Noodles, the fantastic plush cat my Nan and Pop gave my tonight staring at me viciously from my bed. Only after I gasped I realised that it wasn't real but I WAS STILL SCARED!
This is Noodles. The name came with it by the way. In no way is Noodles even close to being better than Angel, my real cat :D 

Once I was over the initial fright of seeing Noodles staring at me, I realised that there was something white, gold and plasticy sitting on my bed. I walked closer and discovered that something had just begun:

                                                               EARLY EASTER!!!!!!!!

Pardon le sexy face.

And why??


JE SUIS TRES EXCITÉ!!!!! (Not 'aroused' for those of you who translated that incorrectly. It's 'excited')

I CAN'T BELIEVE ITS ALREADY TIME!!!! So heres whats happening with me from tomorrow until April 13th: 
Tomorrow: Leave home at 5.00pm ish. Get to the airport at 6.30pm ish. Depart at 10.30pm
Sunday: Arrive in Dubai 5.30am (not sure if Aussie, French or Emirates-ian time). Leave Dubai at some point. Arrive in Nice at 2.00pm
Monday - April 13th: Be awesome, do touristy stuff, stay with a host family, go to language school, go to a French cooking class, visit la Tour Eiffel, do more touristy stuff, learn lots of French, try to not sound like an idiot to my host family, fly home, wish I was still in France.

Heres a map Chelsea and I devised of where we're going:

Also, I discovered I can do this face