Wednesday, 18 May 2011

l'année prochaine, je serai en France

Bonsoir. To explain the title, it says 'next year, I'll be in France'
I think I may have mentioned this before, but I shall repeat myself. As the title 'suggests', next year, I'll be in France. Meaning that next year my school is doing the french trip where 15-25 students get to go to France and live there for a little bit under a month. About 3 1/2 weeks actually.  The reason I EXCLAIM!!!!! this is because I'm making the large, yet extremely miniature Eiffle Tower in my bedroom currently as a creature of some variety of some description. I'm not sure what I just said either. lalalalalalalala I had a point for this blog which actually had nothing to do with France, but staring at my wall reminded me of it. Anyways, I've forgotten what my point is. Sigh. So, I guess i'll have to ramble about whatever thoughts come into my head. In my mind, this is what is known as 'conversing'. I must say, Coles is (or is it are?) pretty dang legendary due to their cheap cookies. nom nom nom. I considered it a birthday celebration for my dear friendle, Snozbucket. yesterday was her 15th and due to a parent teacher interview day off (WIN!) today, I stayed at hers yesterday and so we got cookies today. I call her Snozbucket because her real name is Lauren, which is shortened to Loz, which sounds like Snoz (yes, as in the nose) which for unknown reasons I elongated to be Snozbucket. i believe i came up with this name in possibly year five or so. Yes, that sounds about right. Eww I just sounded like quite the snob with all that 'yes'ing and all. You know what's delicious? Me. And food poisoning. On Monday, I was very very sick with food poisoning. Hoorah. I'd never had food poisoning before as far as I can rememeber, and I must say, it's quite painful experience. Thank Ganesha I didn't chuck though. Just severe stomach pains. Mmmmm yummy. I believe I got food poisoning from eating some probably tainted soup on Sunday. Gosabel (that's another weird name I have for my friend Isabel, more commonly known as Izzy) stayed over on Saturday and her mother brought over some fancy soup with her. Seemed nice enough because her mums a fair good cook, but when we began to eat it, Goz nearly threw up and I shall admit it tasted foul. See, although I did just say her mum is a good cook, I didn't mention that she bought this soup. Not made it. Anyways, I probably should of payed attention to the foul taste and gurgly feeling that came with eating it, but instead I used my 'escape tactic' for every single food that tastes bad/ lacks flavour. It works along the lines of: when in doubt, add a shit-load of BBQ sauce :D I've rambled for long enough. Á bientôt! Here, have some more strange pictures I found :D

 Alanah and I at the Australian National indoor Rowing Championships. She's bringing me cookies tomorrow because I was sick on Monday ^_^
 The most cookins dudes you could ever meet :D
 From my movie 'the Girl Who Found Perculiar Objects in The Clouds' I suggest you suss it: 
 My original group from last year :D
 Again, 6 awfully sexy people 
 Gosabel et moi
And again

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