I felt popular today. You know why? because my friends informed me that I was acting 'strange' and didn't seem myself. This made me think...
How can I not seem myself?
My day began as always, with me waking from my 'alarm-radio' which is just my radio of which I have set to turn on at a specific time to wake me up. I don't like using real alarms because they scare the shit out of me.
My alarm went off at 6.38 am (I did indeed just check that right then. If you wonder why it is set to such an odd time, every day I set it a minute later than the day before in vain attempt to find the 'perfect waking up time') and I recall waking up at 6.47 am.
By this point, my alarm-radio has done it's job and woken me up 'on time'. BUT I DISAGREE!!! I kid you not, these are the very words I thought to myself as I grimly stared at my clock. "I hate you. It's too early" and went back to sleep without so much as turning off the radio. I didn't turn it off because I knew that without the radio remaining on, I would not wake up at 7.10-7.20ish am. I find 7.10-7.20ish an acceptable time frame for waking-upness on a school morning.
The next thing I remember is dreaming I was trapped in a cage and I was wearing a rainbow. I seriously hope that was a dream.
After that, the next thing I can recall is Mum loudly opening my door, tripping over non-existant clothes that 'I had left all over my floor' (I know this is not true because A. I am not blind, I can see right now that there's nothing where she was walking and I haven't changed my room at all since this morning. B. I never have anything on my floor in the pathway from my bed to my door because on the unexpected midnight toilet run, I have to get there as quickly as possible, with no interruptions.) and opening my blinds even more loudly than she did for my door.
I was in quite the state of disbelief when Mum noticed I was awake and then said cheerfully "Good morning. Want some poached eggs and toast for breakky?" But my ears had not mistaken me so when I mumbled some gibberish requesting Mum to repeat the question, she somehow understood and asked me again, and then asked how many of each. Still barely conscious, I simply raised two fingers meaning two of each. Lazy bastard I am.
That there was the first thing that MAY have determined my 'unself-likeness' ,because I'm usually woken up abruptly and told to get up. Then my breakfast is my own job.
After a few more minutes of lying in bed, I decided it would be a good idea to go upstairs and claim my foretold breakfast before I missed my chance. This happens a lot in my house. Offers are made, but if you take too long, you miss out.
Thing number 2 that could have contributed to 'unself-likeness'. Why? Because I usually get up after a few minutes of waking up and have a shower, get dressed and THEN get breakky.
At school in homeroom, the first of my friends I saw as always was Izzy. She said I seemed tired and so I replied with "You're tired!!" and then we continued to quote Chester See's Losing Friends At Poker Night. I highly recommend you watch it. No I'm not advertising as such, I just love that video.
So my day was off to a swell start. But then...
I pretty much would consider this to be torture, except in my health class, I am joined by Iz and Winnie. Thanks god. Having friendly company in such a subject sure does make it bareable, but when one of those friends is Winnie, health becomes a good ol' fashioned trolling sesh.
Todays health lesson was all about ontraception, and I knew it would be because we were told earlier about it. Being the angelic catholic school it is, at my school, by agreement or creed or possibly even law, the teachers (including health teachers) are not allowed to teach us about contraception and all that. And so that we don't all end up as slutty dumbshits (well, the remaining 20ish [if not less] percent of us), the teachers got some doctors in to tell us the about the wonderful world of sex. My insincere apologies if this topic is slightly offensive to anyone, but do continue reading.
I'll have you know, that I hate having injections and anything else like that, but I bare through it thanks to that fantastic thought that having an injection will prevent me from dying in some horrible way. Another thing you must know for this part to make much sense is that apart from the following piercings: ear (in any place), nose, lip, tongue, monroe, snakebite, eyebrow, and sort of bellybutton; I CANNOT STAND SEEING STUFF HANGING OUT OF PEOPLES' BODIES!!! eg. 'unnatural' piercings such as wrist, neck, some bellybutton piercings and elsewhere. Including 'downstairs' and anywhere else.
For example, not long ago, only about 2 months ago, my dad had surgery on his spine, and got a spacer sort of thing between his vertebrae. That's not what made me cringe. What made me cringe was receiving an mms of Dad laying in the hospital bed with a bunch of tubes and chords and BLERGH!!! handing out of his neck. Wow it was gross.
Anyways, now that you get how much I dislike foreign objects in the human body, lets get back onto my story.
As I was saying, in health, we were getting told about contraception and yada yada. At the time of which one of the doctors was talking about the rod implant (EEEEEW!!!!), I was sitting one seat away from the other doctor and thinking "Mmk. Ew. As long as they don't show us a video or something of it being injected or what it's like under the skin, I'll be fine"
If you don't know what the roc implant is, it's a 3ish cm rubber strip full of hormones they inject into your arm, just under the skin, and just writing that is making me feel sick.
Pretty well just after I had my thought, the first doctor said "I'd show you a video of the procedure, but I don't think I brought it with me. You know, I used to have the rod in my arm, so I'd show you it, but like I said, I don't have it any more." I thought I'd caught a lucky break when she had said that because that meant I wouldn't go through he torture of seeing that disgustingness. But no. Oh no. As usual I was wrong. The evil other doctor I was sitting almost next to chimed in at that point "Oh it's alright. I've got the implant. Here, have a look at it!" My mood dropped immediately, and she rolled up her sleeve right away and showed the girl I was sitting next to and myself the implant. Then she pressed on it and it pushed on the outside of her skin and she kept doing it and EEEEEEW!!! is really all I can say. "You can feel it if you want to girls" she said. My god, retyping that makes it sound so incredibly seedy. So the girl next to me touched it. Of course, having the iron gut that I do I started dry reaching slightly, then my eyes teared up. Mmmmmm delightful awful feelings.
That's about all I have to say for that incredibly long story about health. Now back to my main point. After this fantastic happening, I felt 'off' for the rest of the day and this leads to my main theory of this being not only Reason Number 3, but my pretty much entire reason for not 'seeming like myself' today.
Thank you for reading another of my somewhat pointless and excruciatingly long posts. Sorry about the severe lack of photos, but I couldn't be bothered doing another of those 'comic' things do. Good day sir. :D
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