I think it's time enough for another incredibly drab post! I AM IN A GOOD MOOD! So let me start by saying HAPPY 11.11.11!!! and for 11.11am and 11 seconds today, HAPPY 11.11.11 11.11.11!!!!! Also, HAPPY JACK'S BIRTHDAY!!!!!! <3 HAPPY MAISY'S BIRTHDAY! HAPPY NICK'S BIRTHDAY! (even though he called me a whore) HAPPY JESS'S BIRTHDAY! HAPPY GIRL I HEARD ON THE RADIO WHO IS TURNING 11 TODAY'S BIRTHDAY!!! HAPPY INTERNATIONAL GOOD CUP OF TEA DAY! HAPPY REMEMBRANCE DAY!
And just because I can: HAPPY DAY!!!!!!!!!!! :D
I was originally going to post some old posts that never got posted on this post (Wow I said 'post' too much) but instead.... I'M GOING TO MAKE THIS POST EVEN MORE BLAND BY COUNTING THINGS WITH 11S!!!!!
1: My bracelet: It has 11 jesusy beads (Yes, me of all people is wearing a jesusy bracelet)
2: Izzy's tictacs: theres 11 left because I keep eating them :D
3: Lights and fans: Theres 9 lights and 2 fans, but I had trouble photographing them all from my laptop
4: Things on the wall: (including the board behind it) Theres 11 majigs on it. not the two unlucky ladies who made it into this photo. Hehe. My homeroom is in the Italian room. Not the rad-ass French one :D
(tad of an update here: I'm now in biology, and its 11.49am)
5: Fake painting in the room: It's one of hopefully eleven dodgy rip-offs in my school
(another tad of an update: I'm now in RE which is in the same classroom as homeroom, and it's 1.37pm)
6: Pencils: 11 in my hand (intentionally trollable.)
7: Digits: That's right fools, the correct name for finger is digit. Dig it?
8: Back of my diary: I wrote '11' 11 times on the back of my diary in anticipation of this wondrous event that wont happen again for another 1000 years. no, tonight doesn't technically count because the 'correct' time is not 11.11.11pm, but 23.11.11 hours.
9: Times I have stabbed this: 11 times with this very green pushpin that I found in French on Wednesday.
10: Times I have announced that it is 11.11.11 today. I think. I've most likely said it more times :D
Be happy that I put in all the effort of adding colour-coded arrows to point you to the direction of my clock. Like a boss :D
As I have already said numerous times, HAPPY 11.11.11!!!!! AND HAPPY JACK'S BIRTHDAY!!!!!!! <3 :D
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