Hello for the first time in ages again. Biggish news! I've started a new blog which so far I have been posting on ridiculously more regularly than this one. I haven't abandoned this blog, but I just feel my current posts are more fitting to the other one.
I may as well introduce this wonderful new blog: It's called 'I'm A Teenager, I Exist'. Crappy name I suppose, but I couldn't think of anything more suiting and less cliché at the same time. The blog is really all about how I'm spending my youth/ teenage years and why I am one of the very few that seem to be openly loving being a teenager. Oh yeah, I'm 16 now. Thought you should know. I am getting ooooold. Anyway, so far there's only 2 1/2 posts on that blog now (I'm currently writing the newest post at the same time as writing this one), so there's obviously not as much content on it as I'd desire. YET. By the time I really get kicked into it, I'm A Teenager, I Exist will have shizloads of 'what to do when bored' type posts and anecdotes on my own personal ways of time-spending.
It's a pretty different styled blog to this one, because this is really just random bits and pieces of inside my mind (Oh what a coincidence, I have a pinterest board called that: http://pinterest.com/snailonabicycle/inside-my-mind/ ) but yeah, this is just random stories of how my life's going and a few opinions here and there. Speaking of which, on my 'Opinions from a fangirl on The Hunger Games movie (and how I came to love THG)' post, I am aware that I was wrong about the muttation thing. I could've sworn there was only ONE muttation, but apparently (after re-watching and still rather disliking the movie) there's quite a few. All the same, they suck because they're nothing like the dead tributes.
Hope you're not all that bothered about me not being decent at posting on this blog, but shit's been happening with me the past few months so I had a lot of trouble getting around to things such as posting.
Please enjoy the new blog! Here it be: http://imateenageriexist.blogspot.com.au/
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