Friday 15 April 2011


As I mentioned in the title of this post, HAPPY EASTER!!!! XD
I don't care if I'm about a week early, because.......


Due to this fabulous event, last night, my family had an 'Early Easter'. Just for the let know, I am quite the atheist, and do not believe in god and all that rubbish in the slightest. Hate me if you please, but I honestly don't care about religion. At all. Anyways, like most catholics/ other subdivisions of christians, my family do not give a crap about the jesus side of things, but instead use Easter as another excuse for chocolate :D So like I said, my family (meaning myself, the sister, the sister's boyfriend, Nan, Pop, Mum, Dad, Rodge and Angel) celebrated Chocolate Giving Day early this year. And with that, Nan and Pop gave Sister and I a reeeeeeeally yummy Lindt Bunny rip off, Aunty (who I know I did not mention because she wasn't technically there) gave Sister and I one of those tall chocolate bunnies via Nan and Pop, and Mum and Dad gave Sister, Sister's Boyfriend and I a Lindt Bunny, and a large box of Lindt Chocolates *drools* so please enjoy these photos of my receivings.

 And now; A comicish creature I made out of boredom about chocolate. I am not a vegetarian :D

"Hi Tiff! I'm a Vegetarian!"

"Why, what is a Vegetarian?"

"A vegetarian is someone who does not eat anything with a face, or really any meat at all"



"That means you can't eat any of these Easter chocolate bunnies!!"

"Yeh I can.. They don't have faces."

"Au contraire" 

"See; Right here!"

"Your an idiot."

"Am not!"

"Prove it."

"Show me it's face. And I mean the one that isn't foil."

"Mwahahahaha. I enjoy ripping your skin from you, monsieur lapin."

"It's right about.."




"This is purely depressing!"

"Mmmmmmhm. Dats wat Uhm talkin' bout!"


Wednesday 13 April 2011


Does that title sound ever so slightly seedy??

Well anyways, I'm currently in my very colourful bed, typing this post. In about 15 minutes, our cleaner, Mrs. Cleaner Lady (remember the name change thing? eh? eh? :D ) will be coming to clean our house. The reason I tell you all this is because my family has had her clean for us for about 8 months now, but out of all that time, I have only been home twice when she cleaned because she usually comes during school time. That's why I rarely see her. Anyway, Like you would possibly imagine, she cleans the whole house and that includes my room. What am I going to do when she comes in to clean my room?? It seems too awkward to stay, but to rude to go.. Oh well. Maybe I'll just casually get out of bed, in my bright green nighty with Betty Boop pants on, and stand in a corner, acting like a tree just to confuse her. She'll probably think something along the lines of 'Since when do trees dress like that? And when did Tiff plant a tree on top of her bean-bag?' I image that I would stand on my bean-bag because my room looks like this (from the view of where I'm sitting)

 Obviously, where I am sitting. I told you about my pyjamas didn't I?? ^_^

Umm.. See that pile of clothes? Well, uh, my bean-bag is under that.

My wardrobish corner

The back of my door

So that is why if I were a tree, I would choose to plant myself on top of my bean-bag.

Sunday 10 April 2011

I'm Waiting..

This is me. Right now.

I'm in my bean bag playing my ukulele, talking to Iz and ironically waiting for her to arrive. Our plans for today: Leave for the movies as of 12.50ish. It is now 1.16 and her mother has not yet arrived at Iz's home to obtain her, then drive to my house, then drive to the movies which are 15 mins drive from my house. Sigh. So as an alternative, Iz and I shall be going to a different cinema which is about 8-10 mins from my house and seeing a later session of:

It seems really good so yes. That be what we be see-ed (I speak like this a lot. To translate: This is what we'll see)

Hmm what to do what to do? I know! I'll rip of Sour Apples (not Lemons) :D please enjoy:


If ye be curious: I did already have a shelfari thingo. Quite unfortunately. In English Yesterweek, Lizard Lady (Someone in my class that resembles a lizard) and Suitcase (NOTE: I am using these weird names as of now because Iz has been telling me about legal rights and blah [not that I care] and so from now on, I'm not using names unless approved by the person) forced us to make a Shelfari account. Nothing against the site, except its about boasting which books you have read. One thing I despise is reading. Why? Because it restrains and restricts the senses. You can only use sight when reading. Whereas, with Movies, you can hear and see the story, feel the squishy seat underneath you and the popcorn thats fallen down your top, smell the excruciating body odour of the creepy fat guy that sits right beside you whilst his sagging flab acts as a blanket for you, and you can taste the over-priced crap you have purchased from the Candy Bar. This is why I dislike reading. Audio-books are just as bad and in some ways worse than reading though, because you have the awful voice and strange accent of the reader, who can't pronounce Italian names such as 'Michaele' and instead pronounces the main protagonists name as Mikayla. Sigh. I am indeed referring to 'I'm Not Scared'. It seems terrible. Anyways, on my original subject of going to the movies with Iz, It is now 1.38 and she is probably not even halfway here, meaning byt he time we get to the cinemas, it will be about 2.10. The movie starts at 1.50. sigh. So to you all, I say: Bon l'apres-midi

Considering I'm Bored..

I do realise that my last post was posted maybe a minuteish creature ago, but as the title suggests, I am bored. To cure this and hopefully not end up making you bored, I present you with this list of photos that probably aren't all that linked together.

 I made this in Wood tech :D
 Me at my birthday party last year with my epic sombrero from Iz, and fabulous maracas from Billie. That is her on the jumping castle behind me. You are never too old for a jumping castle 
 I drew this when I wanted to be happy, but was indeed melancholy.
 (left to right): Me, Winnie, Billie; the original band named The Loose Ties. Unfortunately, it turns out The Loose Ties already existed before us, and so we still have no name but at least we now have a drummer, Shannon
 A comic I drew of Michaela and I. It's kind of self explanatory?
 Izzy. I have no further comment
 Again at my birthday party, this is myself, Billie and Iz
 From my first regatta. I hate rowing with a passion and I refuse to ever do it again. In this photo, it was just after we won our first ever regatta which was awesome, I shall admit. and not to sound like a cat head, but I dislike my flab in this. Left to Right: Jess, Me, Alanah, Dandy, Shannon, Claire
 Swimming sports this year. I enjoy photo-bombing
 The original group, L-R: Iz, Izzy, Billie, Me :D
 Myself after aths day this year. I was Jack Skellington because my house's theme was Horror D: GO PADUA!
 I like to pretend I'm a Rock Star
 This mouse was causally having a party on my window sill the other day
 One of my latest Manga pictures. Yes, I drew this freehand
A quicker Manga drawn freehand by moi.

Hope you enjoyed this post! So I say as a concluding remark to all; bonsoir amigos!

I AM ALIVE!!!!!!


does that smiley seem ever so slightly disabled..?

If you have not entirely figured by now, THIS IS MY FIRST BLOG POST EVER! hoorah. This seems strange for me because I usually vlog or 'video blog' and post on my Youtube channel if I can be bothered that is.

So...... A little introductory-majig about myself.

I am SnailOnABicycle, but just about everyone (that seems to recognise that I do exist, so thats not many people) call me Tiff :D I really enjoy smiling, especially with these deranged emoticons. I am 14 years ancient, and am tall. Yes, you do need to know. I umpire footy, play piano, ukulele, keyboard and synth and can kind of drum, and in my mind, I like to think I can sing. I am in an un-named band with three of my other friends, am in a jazz band and blah blah blah about music. In short, music is a major part of my life. I got into using blogspot via my dear friends, Iz. You should follow her. Her blog is Sour Apples Not Lemons.( )
So this should do for a kind of brief intro to myself/ first post. Please enjoy this photograph of myself and monty, my beloved ukulele :D